Our lab is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to provide high-quality, cost-effective testing.

Registered technologists and lab aides serve patients in need of virtually every test that may be ordered by their physician through our own lab or links with reference labs. The quality of your experience is of utmost importance to us.

Lab services
- Hematology. Tests red and white blood cell counts, hemoglobin, blood proteins and coagulation.
- Chemistry. Blood chemistry provides information for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of a wide variety of diseases and conditions.
- Urinalysis. The urinalysis is used as a screening and as a diagnostic tool. It can help detect substances or cellular material in the urine.
- Blood bank. We perform all necessary testing required for transfusion of blood and blood products.
- Microbiology. Identification of organisms and antibiotic sensitizations are routine processes performed in-house.
- Tissue/pathology. Pathology services, including of frozen sections, are available.
- Wellness Lab screening. We offer a variety of wellness blood screening tests at reasonable prices. Blood screening tests are good prevention tools. You can get a list of available tests here.
For more information about lab wellness tests, visit the patient forms page.