Diagnostic imaging helps physicians diagnose patient conditions. Our imaging methods allow a variety of ways to look at and into the human body in order to diagnose conditions to the best of our ability. We employ trained, certified professionals and use state-of-the-art equipment. Our board-certified radiologist provides exceptional service to patients.

Dr. Turcer leads our Imaging/Radiology program. He specializes in general, diagnostic, vascular, and interventional radiology. Dr. Turcer has special interest in interventional oncology, trauma interventions, body imaging, and general radiology.

How imaging works
Discovered by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in 1895, the x-ray has the ability to penetrate tissues. As the rays emerge on the far side of the body, they are captured on a photographic plate.
Computer Tomography (CT)
The word tomography means “image of a slice.” CT scans use x-rays to show a section of the body on a computer. With our state-of-the-art, 64-slice CT scanner, we offer the best imaging this side of the Big Horn Basin.
This imaging technique uses sound waves.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Magnetism and radio waves are used to produce images that allow physicians to see deep into objects and analyze their content. Here at Powell Valley Healthcare, we are lucky to have the most advanced MRI in the Big Horn Basin for our patients. If claustrophobia or pain is a concern, please understand that at PVHC our MRI opening (bore size) is one of the larger that is manufactured, and your claustrophobia or pain can be effectively managed with our excellent anesthesia staff performing concurrent sedation. Please call for further details: 307.754.1220.
DXA Scanning
DXA stands for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. This technique uses x-rays to measure bone mineral density. This equipment is the current gold standard for assisting in the diagnosis of osteoporosis.
Common diagnostic examinations (not inclusive)
- Cardiac ultrasound and stress test.
- Carotid ultrasound.
- CT scan of the head or chest/abdomen/pelvis.
- MRI of the brain knee, shoulder, lumbar/cervical spine.
- Mammogram (screening or diagnostic).
- Osteoporosis screening (DEXA scan).
- Obstetric or abdominal ultrasound.

Common interventional procedures (not inclusive)
- Ultrasound guided breast biopsy/aspiration (e.g. breast mass or cyst).
- Breast wire localization.
- CT guided biopsy (e.g. lung mass, abnormal lymph node, bone lesion etc.).
- Ultrasound guided soft tissue biopsy (fine needle aspiration of a thyroid nodule, abnormal lymph node, liver or kidney, etc.).
- CT/fluoroscopically guided pain management intervention (e.g., sacroiliac joint, etc.).
- Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), (e.g., genicular nerve treatment for non-operative knee pain etc.).
- Lumbar puncture and CT myelograms (contrast injected into the theca sac).
- Ultrasound guided paracentesis/thoracentesis (therapeutic or diagnostic).
- Fluoroscopic/ultrasound guided musculoskeletal intervention, both therapeutic and diagnostic (e.g., joint/bursa injections/aspirations including shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, ankle, wrist, hand, greater trochanter bursa, acromioclavicular etc.).
- Esophogram.
- Barium swallows with speech pathology.
- Upper GI.
- Small bowel follow through.
- Barium enemas.
- PICC line placements.
- Cystograms.
- Voiding cystourethrogram.
- Lap band fills.
The department also provides gastrointestinal/genitourinary and select vascular procedures in addition to the routine modalities, typically using fluoroscopy.